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Fall in love from the first bite

Irresistible mouth fulfilling

Fresh made noodles, delivery down to your doorstep!

Fall in love from the first bite

Irresistible mouth fulfilling

Fresh made noodles, delivery down to your doorstep!


Our Noodles

Smooth and Springy – a Taste Not to be Missed

Authentic Ingredients,

Mouth-watering Noodles

Our dough recipe is enriched with eggs and extracts from fruits, vegetables and legumes (such as soybeans), creating a nutrient-rich delicacy. The results are springy noodles which are a great source of fibre, protein and carbohydrates, as well as rich in nutritive properties such as vitamins A and B, carotene, calcium and iron.

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Traditionally and at present, we do not use food colourings in any form. Be assured that our process, from purchasing the produce, preparation, extracting the juices to grinding the soybeans into a fine paste- each step is done with much love and care, enabling you to savour the best quality in every bite![/read]

Prepared Fresh and Smartly Chilled

It is common for large-scale food manufacturers to extend a product’s shelf life by adding preservatives into their noodles’ dough mix. However, we firmly say “no” to this step in the production process, as we want our customers to eat fresh.

Our preferred method is safer and more natural. Jade’s noodle-making process is conducted in a strictly hygienic setting, air-dried or properly refrigerated; a stringent and well-timed process which we have perfected over the years.

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Every batch is produced in limited quantities, according to the amount of orders received. We package each batch of noodles delicately, all to preserve the noodles’ freshness, colour and fragrance; keeping them chilled before transporting them to our eager customers.[/read]

Prepared Fresh and Smartly Chilled

It is common for large-scale food manufacturers to extend a product’s shelf life by adding preservatives into their noodles’ dough mix. However, we firmly say “no” to this step in the production process, as we want our customers to eat fresh.

Our preferred method is safer and more natural. Jade’s noodle-making process is conducted in a strictly hygienic setting, air-dried or properly refrigerated; a stringent and well-timed process which we have perfected over the years.

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Every batch is produced in limited quantities, according to the amount of orders received. We package each batch of noodles delicately, all to preserve the noodles’ freshness, colour and fragrance; keeping them chilled before transporting them to our eager customers.[/read]

Traditional Noodles with a Creative Twist

Who says “healthy” equals “boring” strands of noodles? Definitely not! We are always on the lookout to incorporate more natural ingredients into our noodles, crafting bespoke flavours to add more spice (and colour!) to our customer’s palate. 

Pleasing to the eye and packed with nutritious goodness, our noodles are also enjoyed by children.

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Our vegetable-based flavours are great for kids who may not like eating their greens just yet, as our noodles are colourful and come in a variety of thicknesses. We love experimenting with various types of cuts for our dough, giving each noodle option different types of mouthfeel with varying levels of smoothness, tenderness and elasticity. [/read]


About Us

Our Story and Humble Beginnings


Back in the day, times were tough and food supplies often scarce.

People worked hard, toiling for long hours to ensure their loved ones had enough to eat. During this time, great-grandfather Ng(黄水晶) tried his hand in noodle-making, and [read more] started selling fresh noodles every day in the morning market. Other family members helped out and took to his entrepreneurial spirit, venturing into various businesses to support the family.[/read]


Later on, the Ng Noodle business was continued by Grandpa (黄长发) and Grandma Ng (陈四妹), the second generation. They had twelve children, and all of them helped out in the noodle-making process. From [read more] flour-milling to noodle-cutting, every child learnt the family trade by hand and helped the family business thrive. Eventually, the kitchen in their small home became a production line, where everyone in the household would gather and work together.[/read]



Following the turn of the 20th Century, the Ng Noodle business was handed over to the third generation, Papa and Mama Ng. Together, they innovatively developed new noodle varieties and sold them to market vendors and restaurateurs, expanding the trade. [read more]The business grew continuously, prompting them to set up a noodle factory here in Kepong, where they established Jade’s signature of “healthy first choice” noodles.[/read]


Ng’s fourth generation of noodle entrepreneurs joined in and subsequently moved the business online. The Ng young couple embarked on quality improvement endeavours for their existing products and developed new flavours to cater to current market tastes. [read more] Through countless experimentations, they successfully produced a variety of healthy fruit- and vegetable-based flavoured noodles. [/read]


In 2019, Jade Noodles celebrated our 100th Anniversary, a memorable milestone. As a family business, we have weathered many obstacles throughout our noodle-making journey, [read more]and we are ever-dedicated to further improvement in delivering healthy goodness to all our customers.[/read]


Brand Story

A Bowl of Healthy Goodness

The Greatest Wealth is Health.

Papa Ng always approached noodle-making with this in mind, ensuring our customers enjoy true bowls of wellness. He would often tell us: “What you don’t wish to put into your stomach (chemical additives, preservatives, etc.) should not be added into noodles for others to consume”.

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With regards to this principle, our noodles are made fresh every day without the inclusion of any flavor enhancers or quality stabilizers. Jade’s noodles are delivered fresh daily, from us to your table. We are committed to preserving our ancestral values in our products, with sincerity and wholeheartedness.[/read]

A Legacy of Tradition,

Synergised with Innovation.

Making “healthy, delicious and quality” noodles is our basis in creating an unforgettable product that will be the customer’s first choice. Our rich knowledge coupled with the advancement in food technology has enabled us to create more than 50 types of noodles of varying flavours, shapes and textures, yet the sky is the only limit.

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Our endeavours in innovation are driven by the availability of fresh produce that are in-season. We are well-equipped to fulfill online orders, riding on the convenience of communication in the 5G age. Jade Noodles will definitely deliver delicious noodles that will capture your taste buds and heart! [/read]


Our Customer’s Recommendations

Want to Know the Difference? Give us a Try!

  • positive review  天下第一面

    Yin Hong Avatar Yin Hong
    June 17, 2018

    5 star review  好吃,属于有营养的面食。 很有弹性的面条�

    Dawson Siow Ys Avatar Dawson Siow Ys
    June 18, 2018

    positive review  真的很好吃的面!很推薦大家買⋯ 我家人特別愛吃上海拉麵,雲吞面也很彈牙!

    Joy Teo Avatar Joy Teo
    May 3, 2020
  • positive review  衣有潮衣,鞋有潮鞋,而玉食麵坊就是麵條的潮牌。 麵條健康創意又選擇多,老闆年輕有為又很帥,support!

    Engsoon Tan Avatar Engsoon Tan
    August 17, 2018

    positive review  面很新鲜也很好吃,我一次过买了南瓜面,上海拉面,全蛋云吞面,萝卜面和云吞皮。 今天煮了南瓜面,昨天煮了云吞面和水饺。

    Christina Lim Avatar Christina Lim
    April 6, 2020

    positive review  面条很新鲜,每一包面包得整整齐齐的,还注明是什么面,感受到你们的用心,非常谢谢你们!!

    Stella Chia Avatar Stella Chia
    April 16, 2020
  • positive review  面薄爽口又营养,煮了又不会粘着一块,很值得购买。家里全部都爱吃。清汤干捞都好吃。

    Sookuan Thum Avatar Sookuan Thum
    April 17, 2020

    5 star review  亲自体验过,赞啦!�

    Xa Xa Avatar Xa Xa
    June 16, 2018

    positive review  上海面,超赞👍🏻,面香Q口

    Suzane Lim H W Avatar Suzane Lim H W
    April 26, 2020
  • positive review  I finally had time the other night to cook the Purple Potato pack, and omg they were bomb! It’s never easy being an entrepreneur, so TWO THUMBS way up to you guys for innovating healthy noodles - we need quality meals in our busy lives! The texture and recipe has improved significantly and the noodles were springy and delicious. Thanks Jeff and Vshly, hope you guys continue to do well! Lots of ❤️ from Penang!

    Josephine Phang Avatar Josephine Phang
    September 22, 2018

    positive review  面条弹牙超好吃,下次要试试你们家的南瓜面和萝卜面❤️

    Reni Tham Avatar Reni Tham
    April 18, 2020

    positive review  真的非常好吃,方便煮又容易配搭。尝试过干捞也尝试过湯煮,可以有不一样的口感呢!赞!

    Henry Ng Avatar Henry Ng
    August 19, 2018
  • positive review  真心推荐这家面。弹牙爽口,价钱合理,物流快,卖家服务更是至上。一家大小都爱吃的你们家的面条,谢谢你们的用心,做出那么好吃的面条。要吃新鲜好吃的面条,它绝对是你的首选。👍 Highly recommend jade noodles. Reasonable price , fast delivery , fresh & delicious. You definitely will love the texture of the noodles 🍝 🤤 thank you make us the quality noodles. Keep it up jade noodles 💪

    Annabelle Sim Avatar Annabelle Sim
    May 30, 2020

    positive review  非常好吃的面条,真材食料,包装的很好,谢谢你们的用心。

    Patricia Kong Avatar Patricia Kong
    April 26, 2020

    5 star review  好吃, 阿姆阿姆 �

    KeXn Teo Avatar KeXn Teo
    June 17, 2018
  • positive review  口感 包装 味道 服务 态度 反馈 全都是大爱 ❤️

    Chris Hung Wei Avatar Chris Hung Wei
    April 27, 2020

    positive review  弹牙爽口的面条,新鲜现做~一家大小都喜欢。爱吃面的朋友,值得一试。

    Rebecca Ling Avatar Rebecca Ling
    April 8, 2020

    positive review  一級棒,真棒的養生麵,吃了好有口感😋😋比起快熟麵,換個麵吃會更好的健康😃

    Krystal L. Wei Avatar Krystal L. Wei
    August 4, 2018
  • positive review the noodles. Recommended 👍

    Li Ping Avatar Li Ping
    April 20, 2020

    positive review  超爱他们家的萝卜面,爽口弹牙而且价钱便宜!爱吃面的朋友一定要试一下。

    Lily Foo Seong Lee Avatar Lily Foo Seong Lee
    April 26, 2020

    positive review  健康第一�

    Mico Tew Avatar Mico Tew
    June 18, 2018
  • 5 star review  只要试过一次就变主顾!尤其萝卜面爽口弹牙,干捞煮汤都好吃!��真的一试了就会爱上�

    Lx Hui Avatar Lx Hui
    June 17, 2018

View Our Customers’ Favourite Noodle Recipes!

Noodles are a staple for many Malaysians, but many may find it difficult to cook a wholesome meal with noods, opting to eat out instead. Cooking is actually really simple and versatile process – anyone can do it!

Tasty and Healthy Noodles

Making noodles is in fact, a rather basic process- using just flour (of one’s choice), water and a little salt. These ingredients, when combined with grains, bean pastes, fruit or vegetable extracts, will create noodles of various flavours and textures. What’s most important though, is putting one’s whole heart and soul into the process, for that’s the secret to great noodles!

Jade Noodles’ mission is simple: helping more people consume healthy, tasty noodles that are additive-free! We currently produce all kinds of innovative noodles according to order, using only  authentic ingredients and a sincere heart, to create noodles you will surely love!

Unsure how to cook?

Don’t worry, we’ll show you!

Click to Play Video

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve Asked, We Answer

Our Noodles

How to store the fresh noodles?

To store, keep the noodles in the freezer, under 0°C. The noodles can be stored for about 1 (one) month.

While keeping noodles in chiller or refrigerator in about  5°C to 1°C, Noodle can store for about 1 week.

Please keep it in dry and chill condition.

Why should & How to defrost the fresh noodle from the freezer(-0°c)?

Move your noodles from freezer to chiller for over a night and it will be ready for cooking, this will take roughly minimum 8 hours to happen. If you want to defrost the noodles at room temperature it will take 4 hours to defrost .

The reason of defrost noodles before putting it into Hot boiling water, is to avoid the breaking and stickiness of noodles.

Why should & How to defrost fresh noodle from chiller (<5°C)?

It will take about 10 mins to thaw at room temperature.
The reason of defrost noodles before putting it into Hot boiling water, is to avoid the breaking of noodle.

How can I identify the noodle is fully defrost and ready to cook?

Put the noodle in an empty plate and shake it off gently. If its defrost nicely, it will be soft and every strips of noodle will separate evenly.

What is the weight of a portion of the noodle?

Each ‘piece’ (portion) of noodles weighs about 80g-100g (according to different type of noodles). The noodle is folded for easy portioning when it comes to cooking. 

Normally 1 piece (portion) is for 1 adult. If you are craving for more, can go for 1 and a half pieces. While children can go for half or even 1 portion of our noodle.

Is Jade's noodles organic?

Generally, our noodles are not considered organic, although we do use fresh ingredients with no artificial flavorings.

What are the main ingredients used in making the noodles?

Fine wheat flour, filtered water and salt. Additional ingredients include eggs, fresh vegetable purees and raw bean powder (all which are made in-house). 


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Individual Needs

Can babies eat Jade's noodles?

Our product can be enjoyed by people all ages.

Do cook the noodles based on your young child’s ability to chew for better food digestion. Generally, children between the ages 1 to 3 may consume 2g (two grams) of salt.

Average of Jade’s noodles contain 1g salt for each portion (one portion is about 80g-100g), so do take note of this and prepare the best meal for your child!

Can Gluten-Intolerant Individuals or Patients eat Jade's noodles?

Generally, our products are not suitable for those with a wheat allergy (a.k.a. gluten intolerance), as our noodles are made with fine gluten flour.
For patients, Unless patients are allergic to some ingredients, our noodles are safe for their consumption. We kindly advise all patients to also seek further advice from your doctor or medical practitioners if you’re unsure.

Is Jade's noodles vegans? Is it suitable for Vegetarians?

Except for our significant “Wonton Noodles” category, all other Jade’s noodles varieties do not contain any eggs or traces of animal proteins. The main ingredients used are flour, water, salt and… passion! Lots of it. We have many vegetarian customers who love and enjoy our noodles.

Preparation and Cooking

What is the cooked weight of the noodle and how long should I cook?

Every portion of uncooked noodles weighs about 85g-100g, and weighs about 150g, cooked. Usually, one portion is enough to satiate the hunger of an adult. Good and Big Appetite customers can go for 1 and a half portions. While for children/patient who have small appetite can try to have half portion.   

Usually you can cook the noodles for 1 to 3 minutes, based on individual texture preferences. But not to worries, we will have a guidance for you to follow according to different noodle when you purchase our product!

What is the preparation I need to do before I cook the noodles?

1. Noodles are Well defrosted (soft and separated evenly)

2. Measure water (50ml )to cook one portion of noodle. Pour water into pot.

3. After the Water BOILED with bubbling. THEN only do a quick rinse for tapioca on noodle surface and put noodle into boiling water (fast and easy).
* it is very important to ensure the water is BOILED with bubbling before rinse noodle tapioca and adding the noodle into pot.* 

What to do when the noodle is cooked?

Once cooked to the desired texture, lightly rinse the noodles with cold water (Tap Water), this is to stop the noodle from  cooking immediately and end up obtain a springier mouthfeel. However, this is not a necessary step, as Jade’s noodles already have a certain level of tenderness texture for a good mouthfeel. 

Serve it in your way , mix with any sauce, pour in broth that your prepared earlier. Don’t forget to top with you favorite  side dishes / vegetables. 

What is the most recommend noodle in the list?

All different Jade’s noodles have its own uniqueness of texture and flavor from different combination. It is very subjective to one preference of noodle eating experience. You can refer to our products details information to know more about noodle texture before purchasing.

However, if you like springy and chewy noodles, we recommend our Best-Selling product, the “Shang Hai Ramen”. Numerous of our restaurant clients also use this as the star in various main dishes.

Delivery and Self Pick-up

Can I self pickup the noodle directly from your factory?

We are sorry that self pick up is currently not available.

Do you have free delivery services?

Every purchase up to RM 180, you will get FREE DELIVERY.
Ask you family and neighbour to bulk purchase now!

Where is the coverage area of your noodle delivery?

Due to the high cost of cold transit to keep noodle fresh from door to door, our delivery services is only able to cover Klang Valley & KL area.

For customers who are not living in Klang Valley, don’t be sad! We will be launching our dried noodles series soon.

This dried noodle series could be delivered to Klang Valley and beyond. Stay tuned!


Contact Us

Let’s Get to Know Each Other!

No.170, Jalan Seri Ehsan 9,
Taman Seri Ehsan, Kepong,
52100, Kuala Lumpur,
W. Persekutuan, Malaysia.
Contact Number
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